Reciprocity Labs zenGRC
Make Risk & Compliance Easy

A beginners guide to standing up your risk program

On-demand session


Get compliant stay innovative zenGRC by Reciprocity Inc.

Changes in technology and the business environment have expanded the risks that can negatively harm to your organization. As a result, the need for an effective risk management program has soared up the priority list for CISOs, CRO’s, and CIOs.

Watch this on-demand session to to get the complete roadmap for standing up a risk program at your company. You will learn:

  • The right definitions for the right terms (you’d be surprised how many people think they have it right but don’t!)
  • What an appropriate risk structure looks like and how to correctly score and measure your company’s risk
  • The first steps to take when building an enterprise risk management plan.

This webinar will be especially useful for anyone who’s been tasked with building or running an enterprise risk management program at their company. Watch today!